Concert The International Clarinets
The International Clarinets
Conductor: Eddy Vanoosthuyse
Saturday January 18, 2020 at 8pm in the Sint-Gangulfuskerk Ronsele / Lievegem (address: Kerkplein - Ronsele)
The International Clarinets is one of the most famous clarinetchoirs in the world. It was founded by the Belgian clarinet virtuoso Eddy Vanoosthuyse. The ensemble is composed only of his (former) students of the University College Ghent - School of Arts (Royal Conservatory) and the Fontys Academy for Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg (NL). Because of the great international attraction interest in his studio, over the years, the choir has had musicians from Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, China, Korea, Thailand, Japan, South Africa and Israël. The International Clarinets brings original work (Goddaer, Decancq, Bozza, Reich, Breways,...) and transcriptions of mainly symphonic music, such as the Festive Ouverture/Sjostakovich, Till Eulenspiegel/Strauss, Willem Tell/Rossini, Toccata and Fuga/Bach,... The reperoire contains also a number of concertos like those by Molter, Stamitz, Weber, Bassi, Finzi, Copland, Seiber,... The group works together with clarinetists as Eddie Daniels, Larry Combs and Wenzel Fuch, but also with organists, singers, trumpetplayers, pianists,... The International Clarinets recorded 2 CD's and performed in Belgium, The Nederlands, France, Spain, Italy and the USA.
The Belgian clarinetist soloist and pedagogue Eddy Vanoosthuyse throughout the world with prestigious orchestras and coductors for festivals in 4 continents. He makes recordings for radio, television and for CD (SONY, EMI, DECCA, AEON, NAXOS, PHAEDRA, GOBELIN, ALIUD, TALENT, BRILLIANT CLASSICS). He was selected for the World Philharmonic Orchestra (Georges Prêtre) and invited for the Symphonicum Europae (New York, Lincoln Centre, Fisher Hall). He gets awards by the ‘Chinese Clarinet Society’ and the City of Lima/Peru. In 2013 he gets – for his international career - the ‘Torenwachtersprijs’. In 2015, the Union of Belgian Composers (UBC) honors him by giving the prestigious ‘Fuga prize’ for his international promotion of the Belgian music and composers. He was the former principal clarinet of Brussels Philharmonic andis the clarinet professor at the Royal Conservatory of Gent (University College Gent, School of Arts) and the Fontys Academy for Performing Arts Tilburg/Holland. Eddy Vanoosthuyse is the artistic director of the ‘International Clarinet Competition, Ghent’. He plays the Buffet Crampon Tosca clarinets and Vandoren reeds/mouthpieces exclusively.